Május 1-ig várják a szerkesztők az absztraktokat a Slavic Review fogyatékosságtörténeti különszámába.
"We are seeking original research articles for a special issue or cluster of articles of Slavic Review dedicated to disability in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia. Any geographic/chronological focus and methodological approach is welcome. Deadlines: abstract of 250 words due by May 1, 2024; selected papers due by October 1, 2014. Complete submissions of approximately 11,000 words (out of which 8,000 are text words and 3,000 are footnote words) should follow the journal’s publication guidelines and will go through a rigorous blind peer-review process. For more information or to submit an abstract please contact Maria Bucur at mbucur@indiana.edu and Maria Cristina Galmarini at mgalmarinikaba@wm.edu."