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19th World Economic History Congress

Hajnal István Kör_2

A múlt héten Párizsban megrendezett 19th World Economic History Congress-en a Hajnal István Kör tagjai, Pogány Ágnes és Klement Judit is előadtak.

A konferencia július 26-i, délutáni programja és az érintett panel szövege:


14:00−15:30 PANEL A Chair: Pál Germuska Discussant: Andreas Resch

1. Eduard Kubů − Barbora Stolleova: Beggar Entrepreneur. Beggar production concessions in Bohemia in the 19th and 20th centuries 2. Žarko Lazarevic:Family firms in Slovenia up to World War II - Case of Tönnies family 3. Judit Klement − Ágnes Pogány: Resources of Entrepreneurship in East-Central Europe − the case of the Hungarian Flour-Milling Industry before 1945 4. Roman Holec:Resources of entrepreneurship: Czech company Baťa compared to Slovak company Pálka (1900−1929) 5. Tomasz Olejniczak: Ephemerals? Population ecology of Polish companies in the aftermath of World War I (1918−1921)

16:00-17:30 PANEL B Chair: Žarko Lazarevic Discussant: Harm Schröter

1. Jan Slavíček: "Between Business, Politics, Self-help and Professional Representation: Cooperatives in The Bohemian Lands in 1918−1938" 2. Eduard Kubů −Jiří Šouša:Doing business with a political purpose. From the National Social Workers’ Printing Cooperative to the Melantrich Joint Stock Company 3. Mária Hidvégi: Innovation capability and institutional embeddedness: The example of Tungsram 4. Pál Germuska: Entrepreneurial skills of state-owned military industrial enterprises: Business-making in socialist Hungary 5. Damian Bębnowski: The First 'Treuhandanstalt' in East Germany in 1990


19th World Economic History Congress, Paris 2022 Resources of entrepreneurship – the case of East Central Europe Session Proposal

Business history has reached a critical stage in many respects: it has to renew, reconsider its topics, methods, research questions, and its relationship with other social sciences. This need has been articulated by several authors recently.1 The classic questions: what is the company, who is the entrepreneur can no longer be answered in the traditional way, based solely on the examples of the US or Britain. Although, following Chandler’s critique, some say that his rediscovery is opportune already we still believe that more plural pictures are needed in business history.2 In the last decades there has been published an amazing amount of new knowledge on business history in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Research is also being done on the ‘European firm’ in order to find out does it really exist? Does it have a different identity than companies on other continents? Harm Schröter and Franco Amatori answered the question in the affirmative. According to Amatori, “cartels, family firms, Gerschenkronian factors (banks, the state) and worker participation are parts of the genetic code of the European firm.“3 Schröter found even more common features, but he also emphasized the significant role of the family business and a co-operative style in internal and external relations.4 Nevertheless, Europe refers mostly to Western Europe, while Central and Eastern Europe is mostly overlooked in international research and publications. In many respects, this area still remains somewhat a “terra incognita” in business history writing, although this region was an important part of the global world during the 19th and 20th centuries and even today. The aim of the session is to take a new look at the history of companies and entrepreneurs in Central and Eastern Europe. Today, we have already accumulated enough knowledge to try to get a more coherent picture. In this session, researchers from several Central and Eastern European countries will examine the features of companies that have emerged here since the early 19th century and discuss what kind of changes these firms had underwent during the 20th century, in the interwar period and state socialism. The session primarily seeks to investigate the networks and resources these companies have relied on throughout their history. We also examine whether the features defined by Professor Amatori are symptomatic also of the East Central European companies, or whether the differences are more decisive.

1 See e.g.: Special issue on the Methodology of Business History. Business History Review 91. Autumn 2017, 537–569; Harm G. Schröter (2018): Business History in Europe: The Vitality of the Discipline. Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, 63 (2) 307−336. 2 Gareth Austin − Carlos Dávila −Geoffrey Jones (2017): The Alternative Business History: Business in Emerging Markets. Business History Review 91 (Autumn): 537–569. 3 Franco Amatori (2009): Business history as history. Business History, 51:2, 143-156. 4 Harm G. Schröter 2008: The Development Toward a European Enterprise: Results and Conclusions. In: H. G. Schröter (ed.): The European Enterprise. Historical Investigation into a Future Species. Springer. 283−297.

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